Asterisk Session Border Controller Solution Now Smarter and More Capable

Asterisk Session Border Controller Solution Now Smarter and More Capable

Session border controllers are evolving to keep pace with changing trends in security attacks and more widespread use of a variety of media codecs and protocols over IP networks. This means your old hardware SBC may not be up to the task considering today’s requirements. The trend is towards the use of open-source session border controllers.

SIP and WebRTC
SBCs today do more than just handle inbound calls and provide topology hiding. You can have remote users route outbound and inbound calls to their devices through the session border controller plus one can prioritize calls and resolve codecs. One benefit of opting for a future-ready SBC is that it can handle WebRTC traffic. WebRTC allows peer to peer audio and video communication which means enterprises do not have to go through a service provider. For them the open-source WebRTC capable SBC is perfect. As an aside, it also helps service providers to create and provide new WebRTC services accessible through legacy networks.

Smart SBC, better security
Apart from handling WebRTC traffic it can also take on normal VoIP traffic and handle security better for enterprise users. An AI-enabled SBC can learn about a variety of attempts at the intrusion and about attempts at malafide use. It becomes smarter with use not only in detecting such attempts but also in routing.

Smarter routing
Imagine an SBC that can pick the route that costs the least. Now visualize it tracking traffic patterns within an enterprise and linking it with least cost routing and you have a smart SBC that works fast and intelligently. You save lots of money over time. Saving money is one thing; quality and performance take a big leap. There are no protocol or codec mismatches when you have the SBC effortlessly handling anything that comes it’s the way. Using VoIP communications becomes a joy.

Getting it right
That joy can be short-lived if you get a session border controller that lacks essential features or is incapable of integrating into today’s IMS and cloud-based networks with the ability to handle various service functions. If you are considering a new session border controller or wish to switch from hardware to open source session border controller then it needs an expert to asses and then includes service function chaining. Smart SBCs define a protocol and encapsulate it to create dynamic service chains on the service plane. It works seamlessly in the background with users hardly aware of what is going on except that they never face any glitches in getting their calls to go through, connect and give astounding audio clarity. Employ Asterisk Service, experts in session border controller open-source development and you will get it right.

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